Kamis, 30 Juli 2009


Free Download Tcl Hiburan - plajunews.tcl, Tcl Horoscop, tcl jodoh, tcl salam and more
1. timebomb.tcl

Tcl chanel game where user can mutual turn on bomb to other user and only can turn off by cutting the true cable (ops also can be hitted by a bomb)

2. plajunews.tcl

Tcl news to display message and work vacancy from various website newspaper auto update, example can you see in chanel plaju at Allnetwork server

3. hadist.tcl
Tcl to display contents hadist
4. seksshio.tcl
Tcl for your sex ability
5. jodoh.tcl
Tcl marriage partner to get marriage partner percentage between you and pair
6. cerewet.tcl

Tcl quarrelsome bots that always will speak and responsive all discussions at chanel

7. bulan.tcl
Tcl to detect character from birth of user
8. salam.tcl
Tcl bots that will speak to every user was join to your chanel
9. horoskop.tcl

Tcl horoscope auto update from astaga.com that will answer star prophecy request, will pass private msg boots and chanel depending to your setting

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